Section global

Section global

The global section is at the root of the configuration file and contains the global settings for resticprofile.

ca-certificatesone or more stringsPath to PEM encoded certificates to trust in addition to system certificates when resticprofile sends to a webhook - see configuration/http_hooks/
command-outputstringautoSets the destination for command output (stderr/stdout). “log” sends output to the log file (if specified), “console” sends it to the console instead. “auto” sends it to “both” if console is a terminal otherwise to “log” only - see configuration/logs/. Is one of auto, log, console, all
default-commandstringsnapshotsThe restic or resticprofile command to use when no command was specified. Examples: backup, cache, cat, check, copy, diff, dump, find, forget, generate, init, key, list, ls, migrate, mount, prune, rebuild-index, recover, repair, repair-index, repair-snapshots, restore, rewrite, self-update, snapshots, stats, tag, unlock, version
group-continue-on-errortrue / falsefalseEnable groups to continue with the next profile(s) instead of stopping at the first failure
initializetrue / falsefalseInitialize a repository if missing
ionicetrue / falsefalseEnables setting the unix IO priority class and level for resticprofile and child processes (only on unix OS)
ionice-classinteger2Sets the unix “ionice-class” to apply when “ionice” is enabled. Must be >= 1 and <= 3
ionice-levelinteger0Sets the unix “ionice-level” to apply when “ionice” is enabled. Must be >= 0 and <= 7
legacy-argumentstrue / falsefalseLegacy, broken arguments mode of resticprofile before version 0.15
logstringSets the default log destination to be used if not specified in “–log” or “schedule-log” - see configuration/logs/. Examples: /resticprofile.log, syslog-tcp://syslog-server:514, syslog:server, syslog:
min-memoryinteger100Minimum available memory (in MB) required to run any commands - see usage/memory/
niceinteger0Sets the unix “nice” value for resticprofile and child processes (on any OS). Must be >= -20 and <= 19
prevent-auto-repository-filetrue / falsefalsePrevents using a repository file for repository definitions containing a password
prevent-sleeptrue / falsefalsePrevent the system from sleeping while running commands - see configuration/sleep/
prioritystringnormalSets process priority class for resticprofile and child processes (on any OS). Is one of idle, background, low, normal, high, highest
restic-arguments-filtertrue / falsetrueRemove unknown flags instead of passing all configured flags to restic
restic-binarystringFull path of the restic executable (detected if not set)
restic-lock-retry-afterinteger OR duration1mTime to wait before trying to get a lock on a restic repositoey - see usage/locks/
restic-stale-lock-ageinteger OR duration1hThe age an unused lock on a restic repository must have at least before resiticprofile attempts to unlock - see usage/locks/
schedule-defaultsnested ScheduleBaseConfigSets defaults for all schedules
schedulerstringautoSelects the scheduler. Blank or “auto” uses the default scheduler of your operating system: “launchd”, “systemd”, “taskscheduler” or “crond” (as fallback). Alternatively you can set “crond” for cron compatible schedulers supporting the crontab executable API or “crontab:[user:]file” to write into a crontab file directly. The need for a user is detected if missing and can be set to a name, “-” (no user) or “*” (current user). Examples: auto, launchd, systemd, taskscheduler, crond, crond:/usr/bin/crontab, crontab:*:/etc/cron.d/resticprofile
send-timeoutinteger OR duration30sTimeout when sending messages to a webhook - see configuration/http_hooks/. Examples: 15s, 30s, 2m30s
shellone or more stringsautoThe shell that is used to run commands (default is OS specific). Examples: sh, bash, pwsh, powershell, cmd
systemd-timer-templatestringFile containing the go template to generate a systemd timer - see schedules/systemd/
systemd-unit-templatestringFile containing the go template to generate a systemd unit - see schedules/systemd/