
Section profile.mount

This section configures restic command mount . Information on command and flags is copied from the restic manual pages.

The “mount” command mounts the repository via fuse to a directory. This is a read-only mount.

If you need a different template for directories that contain snapshots, you can pass a time template via –time-template and path templates via –path-template.

Example time template without colons:

–time-template “2006-01-02_15-04-05”

You need to specify a sample format for exactly the following timestamp:

Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006

For details please see the documentation for time.Format() at:

For path templates, you can use the following patterns which will be replaced: %i by short snapshot ID %I by long snapshot ID %u by username %h by hostname %t by tags %T by timestamp as specified by –time-template

The default path templates are: “ids/%i” “snapshots/%T” “hosts/%h/%T” “tags/%t/%T”

Flags used by resticprofile only:
run-afterone or more stringsRun shell command(s) after a successful restic command
run-after-failone or more stringsRun shell command(s) after failed restic or shell commands
run-beforeone or more stringsRun shell command(s) before a restic command
run-finallyone or more stringsRun shell command(s) always, after all other commands
Flags passed to the restic command line:
allow-othertrue / falsefalseallow other users to access the data in the mounted directory
allow-roottrue / falsefalseallow root user to access the data in the mounted directory. restic < 0.10.0
hosttrue / false OR one or more hostnamesonly consider snapshots for this host. Boolean true is replaced with the hostname of the system. Examples: true, false, "host"
no-default-permissionstrue / falsefalsefor ‘allow-other’, ignore Unix permissions and allow users to read all snapshot files
owner-roottrue / falsefalseuse ‘root’ as the owner of files and dirs
pathtrue / false OR one or more stringsonly consider snapshots including this (absolute) path. Boolean true is replaced with the paths from section “backup”. Examples: true, false, "path"
path-templateone or more stringsset template for path names. restic >= 0.14.0
snapshot-templatestring"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"set template to use for snapshot dirs. restic < 0.14.0
tagtrue / false OR one or more stringsonly consider snapshots including tag[,tag,…]. Boolean true is replaced with the tags from section “backup”. Examples: true, false, "tag"
time-templatestring"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"set template to use for times. restic >= 0.14.0

Flags declared for the restic command line in section profile can be overridden in this section.